Tuesday 28 August 2012

Sneaky Tactics To Give You More Energy & Productivity At Work

Dealing with the pressures and challenges that most of us face in the workplace on a daily basis is no easy task. You really have to go an extra mile in the workplace in order to get noticed, but you certainly do not have to compromise your health to do this. Eating healthy at work isn’t hard when you know how…

It’s no surprise that some people get tired and stressed at the end of a long day at work. However, there always seems to be some people who are bright and vibrant all day long who seem to deal with all situations easily. These are the people with more energy – more often than not they are the ones who are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need from their diet to stay sharp and focused throughout the day.

So, how can you improve your productivity and performance at work through your diet? Here’s how…

First of all, make sure you eat breakfast every day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and can determine your energy levels for the entire day. A combination of milk and oats or cornflakes is an ideal breakfast and provides your with lots of calcium. Boiled egg is also a good way to start the day – this gives you lots of proteins and carbohydrates to get you through a busy morning and afternoon.

While you are at work, do you ever get tempted to drink coffee? I know it can be very tempting, but in actual reality coffee can have the reverse effect that people are hoping for. Most people drink coffee to boost their energy levels, but too much caffeine can lead to lethargy, and can cause your body weight to increase at faster rates.

It’s important to not skip any meals during the day and that’s where the Lunch Box Diet comes in, it’s always available to you, you can keep it on your desk or in your office fridge. When your workload piles up, it can be easy to skip meals in order to get things done, but try your best to eat all the meals you need. Take responsibility for the food you eat. If you are being served a work lunch, get yourself a nice salad or whatever is the healthiest option. Your choice of food will have a big impact on you work performance.

If the food provided by your work is not up to scratch, don’t hesitate to make your own lunchbox and use my tasty combinations to keep you interested, that way you’re more likely to stick with it.

If you are going to snack when you get home, which you will probably be tempted to, try and supplement it with something healthy like a piece of fruit. So if you feel like eating some fried food, eat something healthy along side it to restore the healthy balance. A great healthy diet plan to look at is The Lunch Box Diet which has been called one the best diets ever by Elle Magazine who said it became a ‘way of life’. Click here to find out more.

Summary: Eating Healthy to Excel at Work:

- Eat breakfast every day

- Avoid drinking too much coffee at work

- Don’t skip any meals

- Stick to salads and healthy sandwiches made from home

- Supplement fatty snacks with healthy accompaniments

All the best


Thursday 2 August 2012

Simple Tricks To Save Money While Losing Weight

Lot’s of dieters right now are talking about how hard it is to eat healthily now that they don’t have as much money to spend on food as they used to. Yes, the economy has hit everyone hard, but eating healthy on a budget is still very easy with a little know how. In fact, buying healthier foods can actually help us save a lot of cash.

All it takes is for you to keep track of your expenses. Have you ever kept a record of how much you spend on food every week? Most people don’t. If you do this, you naturally save pennies.

Start tracking all of your food expenses. This includes any kind of food you eat – trips to the donut shop, meals from restaurants, pints of beer at the pub etc. As time progresses, saving money on food will just get easier and easier. You will able to see your average expenses per week and per month.

When you do this, it opens your eyes to where you are spending money on unnecessary foods. Then, you can start making wiser choices.

Here’s a few examples, for each doughnut you buy from the bakers, you could buy say a whole box of cereal bars for only a little more than the cost of one doughnut. So, if you ate one cereal bar from your box each day rather than buying a doughnut a day, you’d save a lot of money and lose a lot of weight!

Here’s another example, you total up all your expenses and notice that you buy 5 sandwiches a week from a sandwich shop. You could spend less money on a loaf of wholemeal bread, fresh salad and healthy sliced meat. Then you could make 5 sandwiches from home for the same cost of 2 sandwiches from the sandwich shop.

Major savings can be made in supermarket shopping. One method to save is to buy fruits and vegetables in bulk quantities as this gives you a better price. A word about vegetables – avoid trimmed vegetables as they tend to cost more.

Things like potatoes, garlic, ginger and onions are relatively cheap and carry strong health benefits like strengthening the immune system.

With regards to meats, do not buy boneless meat as this will be more expensive. Avoid red meat as much as you can and opt for white meat. This is easier on the wallet and the heart.

If you eat high calorie foods for your breakfast, changing to a healthier breakfast can help you save a lot of pennies. If you eat fried bacon and eggs for breakfast, you’d be a lot better of financially and health-wise if you bought things like oatmeal and whole wheat muffins instead.

If you are going to eat things like pizzas and burgers, make these at home and avoid eating out at restaurants. The kind you can make at home will be a lot healthier than the types you would get in restaurants. Also, if possible, try to invite your friends around more often instead of going out to pubs. We all know how our wallets can get drained quickly when we go to pubs often.

Believe it or not, eating healthily can actually be a good way to save money. Keep track of your food expenses and you’ll be surprised at how much you can save by cutting out the junk and buying healthier alternatives. A great diet that you can lose weight with and you can save money on is The Lunch Box Diet by Simon Lovell. In fact MSN reported that this diet could save you hundreds per year if you stick to it. Click here to find out more

All the best
