All the best
Monday, 26 March 2012
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Cardio Queen Syndrome

By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT
By now you are well aware that increased activity burns calories and fat. Exercise is essential to your health and well being, but could you be taking part in too much of a good thing? The old adage, more is not always better, is a good rule to live by.
When it comes to fat loss, you need to be in tune with your body and learn how to listen to it. The idea behind fat loss is to manipulate the body often. As long as you are a step ahead of your body's actions, you will be on top of the fat loss game.
What exactly does that mean? How do you stay a step ahead of your body? Let's explore this concept a little further.
Megan is an e-client of mine. When she began her fat loss endeavor she started cardio six days a week for forty-five minutes and saw great results in a matter of weeks. Her new cardio program was exhilarating. It pumped her up mentally and physically and gave her a newfound energy she hadn't felt in years.
It wasn't long before she extended her forty-five minute ritual to an entire hour for six days a week. With the extended time, she saw even more results. She was delighted.
Eventually, the daily hour cardio chore was wearing on her. Her changes ceased, she was constantly fatigued, and began to hate cardio with an intense passion.
To combat the plateau, she added yet...more cardio on top of fatigue and hatred for exercise. Her grueling hour sessions turned into an hour and fifteen minutes to even longer, an hour and a half.
Nothing is more aggravating than putting all your time and effort into something that takes you no where.
Her fat loss results stalled dead in their tracks and even seemed to reverse. How could something once so productive now be destroying her weight loss efforts?
What may surprise you is that excess cardio can be counterproductive. Any cardio or weight training session lasting over a continuous hour does more harm than good.
Get the Body YOU want in Just Weeks!

Keep Cardio Productive
Cardio is heart healthy and it's a great exercise, but if your goal with cardio is to burn fat, you need to take it with a stride and make it fat burning productive.
I come across many ladies who are quite active. This is all fine and dandy, but when they are active and top that with teaching spinning classes, kick boxing, high energy videos, and general cardio machines, this can be a recipe for disaster, setting your further back than when you started.
Don't go overboard with cardio. Keep it simple, yet effective.
Cardio Intensity
Cardio intensity is a factor to keep fat burning beneficial. This does not mean to do an all out killer cardio routine that leaves you crawling from the gym in a near death status, but to simply shake things up a bit to force the body to respond.
A good way to master cardio is with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). There are many variations of HIIT and my favorite is the 2/2 ratio.
Example of 2/2 Ratio HIIT
◦Minutes 1-2 - Warm up
◦Minutes 3-4 - Low intensity
◦Minutes 5-6 - High intensity
◦Minutes 7-8 - Low intensity
◦Minutes 9-10 - High Intensity
◦Minutes 11-12 - Low intensity
◦Minutes 13-14 - High intensity
◦Minutes 15-16 - Low intensity
◦Minutes 17-18 - High Intensity
◦Minutes 19-20 - Low intensity
◦Minutes 21-22 - Cool down
With HIIT, your body never falls in a rut because you are constantly changing the intensity to prevent cardio adaptation.
Progressive Cardio
Another successful cardio tactic to use is Progressive Cardio. Your body can adapt to anything in a short amount of time and Progressive Cardio can stop adaptation before it occurs. Progressive Cardio is simply increasing your cardio each week by either the numbers of day or the amount of time to invite change and prevent staleness, provided you don't overdo it.
Example of Progressive Cardio
◦Week 1 - 4 times a week for 20 minutes
◦Week 2 - 4 times a week for 25 minutes
◦Week 3 - 5 times a week for 25 minutes
◦Week 4 - 5 times a week for 30 minutes
You will notice how each week is a step advanced from the previous. This is how you make cardio work in your favor to burn fat.
Advanced Weight-Loss Secrets!
Adopt Weight Training
Have you even seen someone in the gym doing endless hours of cardio and still look soft and unfit? That is because she is lacking lean muscle, which is built from weight training and excessive cardio burns muscle.
Weight training builds lean muscle mass. The more muscle you add to your frame, the less you need to rely on cardio. Muscle is metabolically active and allows you to burn more calories at rest and at play. Of course, this does not mean to kick cardio to the curve, but having a balance of both in your program will keep things interesting and will give much better body transformation results.
Summary to Cardio Queen Syndrome
Once you understand how you can manipulate cardio, you will be able to master the fat burning game. Realize that you don't need three or four different cardio methods stacked on top of one another. Just use cardio wisely and you will have the advantage. Remember, cardio is a fat loss tool, not the determining factor.
Fitfully Yours,
Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT
aka: MsFit
Monday, 19 March 2012
Weight Loss Exercise Program Week 4
Already on to week 4. Im sure you all agree this is great stuff. If you missed the first 3 weeks video's please find them listed lower down on the right.
All the best for now
Already on to week 4. Im sure you all agree this is great stuff. If you missed the first 3 weeks video's please find them listed lower down on the right.
All the best for now
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Do You Look The Way You Eat?
A a lot of women seem to shell out tons of cash on the newest creams and lotions, hoping to give them that glimmer or glow that they are looking for. There is something these people are unaware of – if they were to eat more healthily, they’d have this glow naturally. In fact, healthy eating is the key to feeling good and looking younger. If your body is healthy on the inside, it will look good naturally on the outside. Then there’s plenty of money to be saved on creams and lotions.
If you ask any beautiful woman what her secret is to having such an attractive glow and healthy skin, more often that not it is because of the healthy foods they eat, not the creams they use. So if you want to have healthy skin, look young and feel good, the solution is simple – change your diet.
You may find it hard to stick to a diet if you have such a hectic schedule, but ask yourself this: if your lifestyle is so hectic, how are you going to feel good and be healthy? You need to make the time to eat meals every day; food should be your top priority.
Start off by making enough time to eat breakfast every day. Cereal is a simple, quick and easy breakfast to eat if you don’t have much time. A glass of juice on top of this would make for a very simple yet very healthy way to start the day.
If you want to look your best, you will have to learn to love veggies. Leafy vegetables and salads will provide you with an abundance of vitamins that you need for healthy skin, and will also give you more energy, making you look more vibrant. One of the best healthy diets for your skin is called The Lunch Box Diet – voted ‘the best diet’ by top fashion magazine Elle, the diet reports your skin will feel different in just 7 days. Click here to find out more.
Try to include a lot of fish in your diet, as fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, fruits and lean meats are essential, and beans, nuts and eggs are advised as they supply a good source of protein. Eat low fat foods, but don’t cut out the fats all together – you need some to aid your body’s development.
Think of this way – you look like what you eat. If you eat only healthy and vitamin-filled foods, you will look attractive and youthful on the outside, but if you eat junk food all day long… well, don’t expect many men to be asking for your number any time soon.
Do You Look The Way You Eat?
All the best
If you ask any beautiful woman what her secret is to having such an attractive glow and healthy skin, more often that not it is because of the healthy foods they eat, not the creams they use. So if you want to have healthy skin, look young and feel good, the solution is simple – change your diet.
You may find it hard to stick to a diet if you have such a hectic schedule, but ask yourself this: if your lifestyle is so hectic, how are you going to feel good and be healthy? You need to make the time to eat meals every day; food should be your top priority.
Start off by making enough time to eat breakfast every day. Cereal is a simple, quick and easy breakfast to eat if you don’t have much time. A glass of juice on top of this would make for a very simple yet very healthy way to start the day.
If you want to look your best, you will have to learn to love veggies. Leafy vegetables and salads will provide you with an abundance of vitamins that you need for healthy skin, and will also give you more energy, making you look more vibrant. One of the best healthy diets for your skin is called The Lunch Box Diet – voted ‘the best diet’ by top fashion magazine Elle, the diet reports your skin will feel different in just 7 days. Click here to find out more.
Try to include a lot of fish in your diet, as fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, fruits and lean meats are essential, and beans, nuts and eggs are advised as they supply a good source of protein. Eat low fat foods, but don’t cut out the fats all together – you need some to aid your body’s development.
Think of this way – you look like what you eat. If you eat only healthy and vitamin-filled foods, you will look attractive and youthful on the outside, but if you eat junk food all day long… well, don’t expect many men to be asking for your number any time soon.
Do You Look The Way You Eat?
All the best
Monday, 12 March 2012
Weight Loss Exercise Program Week 3
Already on to week 3. Im sure you all agree this is great stuff. If you missed the first 2 weeks video's please find them listed lower down on the right.
All the best for now
Already on to week 3. Im sure you all agree this is great stuff. If you missed the first 2 weeks video's please find them listed lower down on the right.
All the best for now
Thursday, 8 March 2012
A Useful Article On Healthy Travel Food
If you go travelling a lot you might be horrified by the lack of nutritional food on offer. Most companies that dish food out to travellers are more interested in profit than nutrition.
Going travelling can often force us to eat lots of unhealthy meals. It’s hard to have control over your calorie intake as your food options will be so limited.
Don’t be worried though, you can still enjoy delicacies on your travels without turning into a pig! With a little care, you can enjoy yourself without being over-indulgent.
If you want to try various delicacies, try to share them with a partner and use your common sense to pick out snacks and meals that are most likely to have the most nutritional value.
If you’re on the road and eating breakfast at service stations, avoid eating deep fried eggs and bacon. Stick to cereals and sandwiches. If you’re going to have eggs, stick to boiled eggs or an omelette.
Take plenty of healthy snacks with you from home to ensure that you and your kids are guaranteed to get some nutrition. You never know what your food options are going to be when you travel, so at a bare minimum you can make sure you have a few healthy snacks in your bag.
Take things like protein bars, whole wheat bread sandwiches, fruit and juices. Don’t take high fat and salty snacks like crisps and chocolate bars. Alternatively a great diet for on the move is Lunch Box Diet which you can combine with a simple cool bag to keep everything fresh.
When food is offered to you during your journey, be it on a plane, a train or a ship, use you head to analyse the negative and positive aspects of the meals before tucking in. If possible, stick only to boiled, roasted or baked dishes rather than fried meals.
Make sure you have adequate salads or vegetables to accompany your meal. These should always be provided as standard. You can check what food will be served before you arrange your journey.
Long distance travelling can be quite boring so it’s hard not to stuff yourself along the way. This is why you should take only healthy snacks in case you get this urge.
If you are serious about dieting or losing weight, then you should have a natural eye for filtering out healthy food from junk. When travelling, its time to put this instinct in to use and stay disciplined and eat as healthily as you can.
All the best
Going travelling can often force us to eat lots of unhealthy meals. It’s hard to have control over your calorie intake as your food options will be so limited.
Don’t be worried though, you can still enjoy delicacies on your travels without turning into a pig! With a little care, you can enjoy yourself without being over-indulgent.
If you want to try various delicacies, try to share them with a partner and use your common sense to pick out snacks and meals that are most likely to have the most nutritional value.
If you’re on the road and eating breakfast at service stations, avoid eating deep fried eggs and bacon. Stick to cereals and sandwiches. If you’re going to have eggs, stick to boiled eggs or an omelette.
Take plenty of healthy snacks with you from home to ensure that you and your kids are guaranteed to get some nutrition. You never know what your food options are going to be when you travel, so at a bare minimum you can make sure you have a few healthy snacks in your bag.
Take things like protein bars, whole wheat bread sandwiches, fruit and juices. Don’t take high fat and salty snacks like crisps and chocolate bars. Alternatively a great diet for on the move is Lunch Box Diet which you can combine with a simple cool bag to keep everything fresh.
When food is offered to you during your journey, be it on a plane, a train or a ship, use you head to analyse the negative and positive aspects of the meals before tucking in. If possible, stick only to boiled, roasted or baked dishes rather than fried meals.
Make sure you have adequate salads or vegetables to accompany your meal. These should always be provided as standard. You can check what food will be served before you arrange your journey.
Long distance travelling can be quite boring so it’s hard not to stuff yourself along the way. This is why you should take only healthy snacks in case you get this urge.
If you are serious about dieting or losing weight, then you should have a natural eye for filtering out healthy food from junk. When travelling, its time to put this instinct in to use and stay disciplined and eat as healthily as you can.
All the best
Monday, 5 March 2012
Saturday, 3 March 2012
50 Ways To Lose Weight & Stay Healthy
Losing weight and staying healthy can be very challenging. Staying on track and achieving your goals takes a lot of will-power and determination.
To keep yourself focused on reaching your health and fitness goals, it’s good to constantly remind yourself of the positive steps needed to be successful.
The following is a list of 50 simple ways to help you stay healthy and lose weight by Simon Lovell, author of the highly acclaimed Lunch Box Diet. Print this list out and pin it to your wall. This way you’ll have a constant reminder of how to stay on track and achieve your goals.
Keep this list nearby and read it every now and then to keep yourself on track. Whatever you health, weight and fitness goals are, I wish you the best of luck.
Check out The Lunch Box Diet as a great healthy way of losing weight, it’s been voted ‘the best diet’ 5/5 by Elle Magazine. Click here to get started.
All the best
To keep yourself focused on reaching your health and fitness goals, it’s good to constantly remind yourself of the positive steps needed to be successful.
The following is a list of 50 simple ways to help you stay healthy and lose weight by Simon Lovell, author of the highly acclaimed Lunch Box Diet. Print this list out and pin it to your wall. This way you’ll have a constant reminder of how to stay on track and achieve your goals.
- Go for a walk every day
- Eat moderately sized meals and have healthy snacks in between them
- Throw away your old “fat” clothes when you are too slim for them
- Add vegetables to your meals
- Eat a healthy breakfast every day
- Don’t eat until you are full, save some room
- Don’t listen to negative self-talk
- Cut back on caffeine and alcohol
- Weed out calories you have been overlooking – dressings, condiments, sauces etc.
- Get enough sleep every night
- Substitute fatty foods with low-fat alternatives – e.g. low fat milk, low fat yoghurt
- Leave the car at home – Cut out short car journeys and walk or cycle instead
- Drink lots of water
- Never miss meals
- Get support from your friends
- Set realistic goals and don’t be over-ambitious
- Educate yourself on healthy eating practices
- Stretch your body every morning
- Build your muscles to burn calories
- Never starve yourself
- Be a chef and create your own healthy dishes
- Eat whole grains – replace white bread, pasta and rice with their whole grain counterparts
- Learn to love vegetables
- Exercise with friends or join a keep fit group
- Stick to a regular eating schedule
- Explore new physical activities
- Don’t be a couch potato
- Choose fruit for dessert
- Make a healthy grocery list before shopping
- Cut back on added fats and oils in cooking and spreads
- Cut out fried foods
- Control your cravings through NLP or hypnotherapy
- Laugh a lot and be happy
- Treat yourself when you make good progress
- Take up swimming
- Share your meals when eating in restaurants
- Don’t drink fizzy drinks like Cola and Pepsi
- Cut back on salt
- Opt for lean meats rather than red meats
- Try eating some vegetables raw
- Take baby steps and make dietary changes gradually
- Eat a balanced diet and don’t focus on just one type of nutrient
- Replace fatty snacks with healthy alternatives – no more chocolate bars and crisps; buy rice cakes, dried fruit and cereal bars instead
- Don’t give up if you’re not getting results as fast as you’d like – stay healthy and the results will come
- Get advice from a professional nutritionist
- Join a health and fitness message board and discuss your goals with other like-minded people
- Relieve your stress; relaxation is key to good health
- Read labels before buying groceries
- Avoid fad diets and crash dieting
Keep this list nearby and read it every now and then to keep yourself on track. Whatever you health, weight and fitness goals are, I wish you the best of luck.
Check out The Lunch Box Diet as a great healthy way of losing weight, it’s been voted ‘the best diet’ 5/5 by Elle Magazine. Click here to get started.
All the best
Thursday, 1 March 2012
A Few Diet Jokes
I'm not overweight, I'm just undertall.
My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. Now she's 97 years old and we don't know where the hell she is.
The only reason I would take up exercising is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
I joined a health club last year, spent about £400. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently attendance is required.
I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing.
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
Enjoy guys even when it gets tuff, you have to laugh
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